About the Digital Economy Navigator

The DEN methodology

The design of the DEN framework follows the OECD/JRC’s guidelines on the construction of composite indicators, which present a hierarchical structure divided into dimensions, pillars, and indicators.

The DEN’s framework development involved four stages:

  1. Literature review
  2. Benchmarking of existing digital economy studies, including a thematic space analysis
  3. Collection of inputs from national and international stakeholders
  4. High-level expert panel reviews

The literature review identified four key factors in the digital economy: inclusivity, access, infrastructure, and the trust environment. How these factors impact economies depend on their income levels: high-income countries tend to emphasize inclusivity by aiming to integrate their population across all income levels into the digital economy, while emerging economies prioritize internet access and developing essential infrastructure.

The review also identified challenges to building resilience in the digital economy—most notably, the absence or incomplete enforcement of universal and clear legal and regulatory frameworks that support competition and risk management.1 Furthermore, the review evidenced that social objectives should be considered equal to economic factors. Both aspects are integral components of digital economy maturity.

For example, a gender gap persists due to the ongoing disparity in access to digital skills training, which negatively impacts the likelihood of women actively participating in the digital economy.2 This not only reinforces gender inequality but also underscores the importance of addressing barriers to training access to ensure equitable participation and empowerment for women in the digital realm. These challenges also present opportunities for transformative change, such as promoting successful women entrepreneurs in the digital space.3 Emerging economies can leverage the experiences of developed countries, with the European Union (EU) serving as a model for establishing robust regulatory frameworks that safeguard gender equality in the digital space.

The DEN framework was designed to align with the review’s key findings. It strongly emphasized social aspects, highlighting inclusivity and gender parity alongside more traditional economic aspects such as digital infrastructure and innovation. This comprehensive approach provides a well-rounded assessment of a country’s digital economy maturity.

The second stage of the DEN framework was benchmarking comparable studies and indices. This exercise reviewed over 60 digital economy reviews and composite indicators that study digital economy-related topics, which were assessed across three scoring criteria: comprehensive relevance and scope, continuity in publishing and established reputation, and country coverage. The benchmarking exercise included a thematic space analysis, which identified the conceptual pillars measured in each study and how frequently they are included across the studies. Mapped against the digital economy trends, this underlined thematic areas that are commonly covered (“red oceans”) and less or not yet covered (“blue oceans”). The DEN framework aims to cover both categories.

Once the benchmarking was complete, several workshops were organized to engage national and international experts to identify digital economy priorities in the countries measured by the DEN, as well as from the perspective of international organizations. The workshops served the goal to gather inputs and suggestions along the research process, from concepts to be included in the Navigator to indicators to measure such concepts.

Finally, subject-matter experts were invited to a high-level panel to review the DEN framework and its related indicators during both the conceptual and measurement phases. The expert panel reviews contributed to the overall comprehensiveness of the framework and provided valuable insights and feedback on statistical approaches to measure various aspects of the DEN. 

Explore the framework below and read the full methodology and indicator list in the DEN report. 

1. OECD (2023), “Policy Dimensions: Trust”, OECD Going Digital Toolkit. Available at: https://goingdigital.oecd.org/en/dimension/trust

2. Da Graça Carvalho, M. (2020) “REPORT on closing the digital gender gap: women’s participation in the digital economy”, European Parliament 2019/2168(INI). Available at: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/A-9-2020-0232_EN.html

3. United States Agency for International Development, (2023) “Women in the Digital Economy Fund”. Available at: www.usaid.gov/digital-development/gender

About the DEN

To understand the range of factors, as well as how they interrelate to create an overall picture of digital economic maturity, the DEN looks through the lens of three dimensions comprising 10 pillars.

Digital Enablers

  • 1 Digital Infrastructure | Coverage

    Item Unit Year Source
    1.01 Access to electricity Percentage of population 2022 The World Bank
    1.02 Population Covered by 3G Network Percentage of population 2023 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    1.03 Population Covered by 4G Network Percentage of population 2023 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    1.04 Population Covered by 5G Network Percentage of population 2023 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    1.05 Fixed Broadband Speed Mbps 2024 Ookla
    1.06 Mobile Internet Speed Mbps 2024 Ookla
  • 1 Digital Infrastructure | Affordability

    Item Unit Year Source
    1.07 Smartphone Affordability Ratio of smartphone cost to average income 2022 Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI)
    1.08 Fixed Broadband Cost GNIpc 2023 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    1.09 Mobile Broadband Cost GNIpc 2023 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
  • 1 Digital Infrastructure | Data Infrastructure

    Item Unit Year Source
    1.10 Number of Internet Exchange Points Rescaled per million population 2024 IXP Database (IXPDB)
    1.11 Number of Data Centers Rescaled per million population 2024 Data Center Map
  • 2 Digital Capabilities | Digital Literacy, Skills and Talent

    Item Unit Year Source
    2.01 Adult Literacy Rate Percentage of population 2022 The World Bank
    2.02 Ability to perform basic digital operations Survey score 2023 Survey Q2 “To what extent do you feel confident performing the following actions online using (any of) your digital devices?”
    2.03 Basic ICT skills Survey score 2023 Survey Q3 answer a-f of “Which of the following ICT tasks are you able to perform on (any of) your digital devices?”
    2.04 Education system to teach digital and technological skills Survey score 2022 World Economic Forum Executive Opinion Survey
    2.05 Advanced ICT skills Survey score 2023 Survey Q3 answer g-i of “Which of the following ICT tasks are you able to perform on (any of) your digital devices?”
    2.06 University graduates in ICT programs Share of graduates 2022 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • 2 Digital Capabilities | Digital Privacy and Risk Awareness

    Item Unit Year Source
    2.07 Personal data protection skills Survey score 2023 Survey Q9 “Which of the following strategies, if any, do you use to protect yourself against cyber-crime?”
    2.08 Businesses personal data protection Survey score 2022 World Economic Forum Executive Opinion Survey
    2.09 Cybersecurity capacity development Composite score 2020 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    2.10 Internet security incidents exposure Survey score 2023 Survey Q10 In the last 12 months, have you experienced any of the following internet security incidents?”
    2.11 Internet security incidents prevention Survey score 2023 Survey Q11 “Which of the following actions do you take to prevent the security incident(s) mentioned in the previous question?”
  • 3 Digital Regulation & Public Administration | Digital Administrative Operations

    Item Unit Year Source
    3.01 Online payment of any government taxes, bills or fees Survey score 2023 Survey Q6 “In the last 12 months, have you used any of the following digital government services?”
    3.02 Online permitting applications Survey score 2023 Survey Q6 “In the last 12 months, have you used any of the following digital government services?”
    3.03 eProcurement Yes/No 2022 The World Bank
    3.04 Access to digital ID or driving license Survey score 2023 Survey Q6 “In the last 12 months, have you used any of the following digital government services?”
    3.05 Digital licensing requests Survey score 2023 Survey Q6 “In the last 12 months, have you used any of the following digital government services?”
    3.06 Open data Composite Score 2022 Open Data Inventory
    3.07 Online public records requests Survey score 2023 Survey Q6 “In the last 12 months, have you used any of the following digital government services?”
  • 3 Digital Regulation & Public Administration | Digital Regulation

    Item Unit Year Source
    3.07 Overall regulatory quality Value 2022 World Bank
    3.08 Data protection & privacy legislations Yes/Draft/No 2024 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
    3.09 Existence of consumer protection laws Yes/Draft/No 2024 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
    3.10 Existence of cybercrime legislations Yes/Draft/No 2024 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
    3.11 Strength of intellectual property rights Composite Score 2023 Property Rights Alliance
    3.12 ICT companies regulation Composite Score 2022 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    3.13 Market openness for ISP companies No/Partial/Full 2022 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    3.14 Digital transformation regulation Composite Score 2023 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    3.15 Existence of e-commerce laws Yes/No 2024 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  • 4 Digital Finance | General Financial System Maturity

    Item Unit Year Source
    4.01 Financial system development Composite Score 2021 IMF
  • 4 Digital Finance | Mobile Payments Systems

    Item Unit Year Source
    4.02 Made digital payments Percentage 2021 The World Bank
    4.03 Digital merchant payments Survey score 2023 Survey Q12 “How frequently do you purchase goods or services online?”
  • 4 Digital Finance | Access to Digital Banking and Finance

    Item Unit Year Source
    4.04 Access to online banking services Survey score 2023 Survey Q14e “In the last 12 months, which of the following online services have you used, if any? Online banking services”
    4.05 Difference in digital payments made between the richest and the poorest Percentage difference 2021 The World Bank
    4.06 Rural-urban gap of digital merchants payment Survey score 2023 Survey Q12 “How frequently do you purchase goods or services online?”

Digital Business

Digital Society

  • 8 Digital for Health and Education | Digital for Health

    Item Unit Year Source
    8.01 Digital health framework for data protection, privacy, confidentiality and device compliance Composite score 2023 Digital Health Monitor
    8.02 Booking a doctor consult online Survey score 2023 Survey Q5 “In the last 12 months, have you used any of the following online healthcare services (including for mental health)?”
    8.03 Participating in a remote interaction with a doctor Survey score 2023 Survey Q5 “In the last 12 months, have you used any of the following online healthcare services (including for mental health)?”
    8.04 Booking a doctor consult online: gender gap Survey score 2023 Survey Q5 “In the last 12 months, have you used any of the following online healthcare services (including for mental health)?”
    8.05 Participating in a remote interaction with a doctor: gender gap Survey score 2023 Survey Q5 “In the last 12 months, have you used any of the following online healthcare services (including for mental health)?”
  • 8 Digital for Health and Education | Digital for Education

    Item Unit Year Source
    8.06 Digital access to education Survey score 2023 Survey Q7a “In the last 12 months, to what extent, if any, have digital technologies allowed you to access employment/study courses?”
    8.07 Access to online resources to study effectively Survey score 2023 Survey Q7d “To what extent, if any, do you have access to the digital resources you need to perform your job/studies effectively (e.g. communication and collaboration platforms, such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or enterprise tools such as CRM, HR, or ERP software)?”
    8.08 Digital training for studies Survey score 2023 Survey Q7c “To what extent, if any, do you feel appropriately trained to use digital technologies to work/study?”
    8.09 Digital access to education: gender gap Survey score 2023 Survey Q7a “In the last 12 months, to what extent, if any, have digital technologies allowed you to access employment/study courses?”
    8.10 Access to online resources to study effectively: gender gap Survey score 2023 Survey Q7d “To what extent, if any, do you have access to the technical resources you need to perform your studies effectively?”
    8.11 Digital training for studies: gender gap Survey score 2023 Survey Q7c “To what extent, if any, do you feel appropriately trained to use digital technologies to work/study?”
  • 9 Digital for Work and Training | Digitally-enabled Access to Opportunities

    Item Unit Year Source
    9.01 Digitally-enabled access to employment Survey score 2023 Survey Q7a “In the last 12 months, to what extent, if any, have digital technologies allowed you to access employment/study courses?”
    9.02 Online work-related training Survey score 2023 Survey Q8a “In the last 12 months, which of the following work- and/or education-related digital activities have you engaged in? a. Online training/education course leading to a certificate or formal degree”
    9.03 Digitally-enabled access to employment: gender gap Survey score 2023 Survey Q7a “In the last 12 months, to what extent, if any, have digital technologies allowed you to access employment/study courses?”
    9.04 Online work-related training: gender gap Survey score 2023 Survey Q8a “In the last 12 months, which of the following work- and/or education-related digital activities have you engaged in? a. Online training/education course leading to a certificate or formal degree”
    9.05 Impact of the online gig economy on working conditions Survey score 2022 World Economic Forum Executive Opinion Survey
  • 9 Digital for Work and Training | Digital Workplace

    Item Unit Year Source
    9.06 Digitalization of the workplace Survey score 2023 Survey Q7b “In the last 12 months, to what extent, if any, has your employer/education provider been introducing new digital technologies into the workplace?”
    9.07 Digital training at work Survey score 2023 Survey Q7c “To what extent, if any, do you feel appropriately trained to use digital technologies to work/study?”
    9.08 Digitalization of the workplace: gender gap Survey score 2023 Survey Q7b “In the last 12 months, to what extent, if any, has your employer/education provider been introducing new digital technologies into the workplace?”
    9.09 Digital training at work: gender gap Survey score 2023 Survey Q7c “To what extent, if any, do you feel appropriately trained to use digital technologies to work/study?”
    9.10 Flexibility of working arrangements Survey score 2022 World Economic Forum Executive Opinion Survey
  • 10 Digital for Social Inclusion | Internet Access

    Item Unit Year Source
    10.01 Internet access Percentage 2023 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
  • 10 Digital for Social Inclusion | Digital Inclusion

    Item Unit Year Source
    10.02 Rural-urban gap of basic ICT skills Survey score 2023 Survey Q3 “Which of the following ICT tasks are you able to perform on (any of) your digital devices?”
    10.03 Gender gap in population using the Internet Percentage difference 2022 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    10.04 Gender gap of basic ICT skills Survey score 2023 Survey Q3 “Which of the following ICT tasks are you able to perform on (any of) your digital devices?”
    10.05 Presence of Web Accessibility Laws Yes/No 2023 W3C Web Accessibility Initiative
    10.06 Universal Access/Service Policy Yes/No 2022 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
  • 10 Digital for Social Inclusion | Digital Social Connectivity & Civic Engagement

    Item Unit Year Source
    10.07 Connection with family and friends Survey score 2023 Survey Q1a “In the last 12 months, have you used a digital device to stay connected with family, friends, and colleagues?”
    10.08 Meeting new people Survey score 2023 Survey Q1b “In the last 12 months, have you used a digital device to meet new people?”
    10.09 E-Participation Index Composite Score 2022 United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
    10.10 Connection with family and friends: gender gap Survey score 2023 Survey Q1a “In the last 12 months, have you used a digital device to stay connected with family, friends, and colleagues?”
    10.11 Meeting new people: gender gap Survey score 2023 Survey Q1b “In the last 12 months, have you used a digital device to meet new people?”
    10.12 Digital social activism: gender gap Survey score 2023 Survey Q1b “In the last 12 months, have you used a digital device to engage in, or organize action around an important issue (e.g. political, social, cultural)?”